A Million MFAs Are Not Enough by author Charles Harper Webb

A Million MFAs Are Not Enough

A Million MFAs Are Not Enough
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Something is rotten in the state of American poetry.  With respect to audience and artistry, poetry has shot intself in many portions of its anatomy, and keeps blasting.  The fact that vast numbers of poems are published every year, and a large number of Creative Writing Students and graduates combine to read a few of them, does not mean that poetry is on the right track.  As an acclaimed poet and veteran teacher of poetry, Charles Harper Webb knows what it takes for a poem to grab a reader's attention and hold on.  As a former rock singer/guitarist and a licensed psychotherapist, he understands how to connect with an audience.  A Million MFAs Are Not Enough shows, with concrete tips that working writers can use, how poetry can return to cultural relevance again.  Webb champions poems that enlighten as they entertain—as these extraordinary essays do.

978-1-59709-724-6 | November 14, 2016